New Talent: Ms Wiki

New Talent: Ms Wiki

Sydney singer Ms Wiki launched her singing career later in life and is proof you can do anything at any time.  Her debut single ‘Take Me Back’ was released earlier this year and is an intriguing mix of soul, jazz and electronica.  We recently caught up with Ms Wiki to find out more about her musical journey.

Hi Ms Wiki! You came into the music industry later in life.  What inspired  this?
That’s right, I didn’t start a music career until I was much older, because I thought I had to have a ‘safe’ job to support my family.  Now they are older I can take that time for me to do something I absolutely love.

Have you always loved music?
I have wonderful memories of singing and dancing with my mum when I was really little, around three or so. My mum had a beautiful voice and could harmonise incredibly well, something I still aspire to.

What is the story behind the creation of your single ‘Take Me Back’?
I was lucky enough to work with Jarrod Bain and Bryan Christian (a.k.a. Bryan Brown) to produce ‘Take Me Back’.  Jarrod is a phenomenal talent and was able to mould my thoughts into a musical format that served as a launch point for the song.  My inspiration is how people feel when they are in love in all its forms – good, bad and ugly.  Luckily enough we recorded the track when I was feeling good!  Bryan is an amazing jazz guitarist, and when I felt the track needed something more I was able to call on Bryan for his input which gives a lovely depth to the sound of the track.

What inspires you when you create music? 
I write a lot of lyrics, but they are not necessarily suited to songs so I love to collaborate, both when singing and writing. I’m not confident in the later - yet! My inspiration and what ‘talks’ to me as a subject is love.  I sing a lot of torch songs, adore jazz and listen to pop, and inspiration comes from everywhere.

Is there a particular message you like to convey in your music?  
Joy – I want my listeners to experience the joy I feel when I sing regardless of the subject matter. Even heartbreak can touch you.

What are your views on gender equality in the music industry?  Do you think we have a serious problem? 
Yes, the very structure of the music industry is almost one that turns on itself.  Anything outside the usual ‘ideal’ template is rarely given an opportunity and any independent artist has their work cut out for them to achieve success.

What female musicians do you look up to, or inspire you? 
Ella Fitzgerald and Nina Simone are my go to female musicians for soulful inspiration. Also most of the ‘60s pop groups because I enjoy the bounce and harmonies of the music. More recently, the music of Rachael Yamagata & Melody Gardot has really resonated with me.

What’s next for Ms Wiki? 
I am currently working on my next single, then plan to go into full writing mode and get some more music out there!

Ms Wiki will be performing live at the Woollhara Hotel on August 26th.  You can keep up with her latest releases and live shows on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

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